
Image result for typical

Today would be just another Monday, or so I thought!  It is the 4th of many Mondays that I will endure for the next two months, or longer…. another Monday that I will feel nauseous…. another Monday that I will cover up my own illness and frustrations with a fake smile. I am getting really good at faking a smile and pretending that everything is going well.

It will be another Monday of a weekly medication, another Monday of tears and frustrations.  I will listen to all of my friends talk about their medical issues and their hardships and mine will remain untold.  I will listen to my students complain of yet another substitute, as I miss my mentor and friend.

Today is what a typical Monday will look like for me over the next few months!  Although, I am learning that there is nothing typical about my life, or anybody’s life for that matter.  Today is what my future holds!  It will be a roller coaster of a ride, whether I am ready or not.  Here’s to many more typical Mondays!


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